
Found: 3
Candy Supermarket - Candy Corn

When this season, so every business which will aquire some gains should be prepared, halloween night occurs. Candy Co isn`t an exclusion no wonder this afternoon will start with a particular assembly where the strategies for the approaching and associated with Halloween goods will likely be discussed... as normal the study team isn`t likely to stop a half way and planing produce the ultimate halloween treat! For many reasons they will base this fresh product on sweet corn that`s not the very in demand among children... but it will be one of adults after candy corn is going to be revved to poundable beauty! Yet earlier this will hit the marketplace you`ll be the sole perofming all of the testing in familiar lab...


This animated story is about the Underground King and hot chick from the Surface that he liked so much that had to send his loyal minions into abduct her! Ofcourse the cause of such terrible action is visible - that he desired to fuck that cutie as soon as you can and has well-prepped his numerous tentacles in case if that chick will attempt to fight and fight his``signals of focus``... however as you`ll see later she appears to get revved on by these matters as tentacles sneaking to each of her fuckholes and following decent make-out she will love that entire sexual activity even more this Underground King will! There will not be some gameplay with this one which that you can unwind and love this colorific hentai themed cartoon sans any distractions.

Found: 3